First Baptist Church

 1033 N Jackson St.

Luverne, MN 56156

(507) 283-4091


Greetings from the First Baptist Church in Luverne, Minnesota. After 8 years of ministry with our church, our pastor is looking forward to retirement. We are now seeking candidates for a full-time pastor. 


Luverne is located in southwest Minnesota. We are a farm-oriented, small-town community, although our congregation has a variety of backgrounds. Our church was established in 1875. FBC is a multigenerational church where more than 100 people, from newborn to elderly, worship and grow together. Our purpose is to know Jesus and to make Him known. It is our desire to live a life full of gratefulness to Him for saving us from our sin and bringing us into His family. We place a high value on missions. Our AWANA program ministers to many young people in our area and their families. We support many missionaries. At FBC, the Scriptures are of incredible importance. The Bible is our supreme authority in all matters of doctrine and practice. We have experienced many changes in our years but have remained steadfast in our belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and continue our dedication to serving Him.


First Baptist Church is focused on fulfilling the Great Commission. We are interested in a leader who will shepherd the existing congregation and challenge us to go outside in a variety of ways to bring in those who do not know Christ or those who have had negative experiences in previous churches. We prefer someone who could see themselves immersed in our community and willing to work with us on our weaknesses as a church and as individuals. 



How to Apply:


Please email the following materials to with the subject line: Search Committee.

Intro Letter (briefly covering your testimony of faith, ministry calling, and general fit for the opening).

Resume (please include family, occupational, and educational information).


Application deadline April 1st.