Online Giving

We are happy to announce that First Baptist Church is offering additional ways for people to contribute to the needs and ministries of our church. This is being done through the availability of online giving and was based on a number of inquiries from donors within the church just in the past year.


Online giving will allow you to make a one-time or recurring gift via an ACH Bank Transfer or via your credit/debit card. This will not impact donors who still want to give by check or by cash. Those options will continue to be available. This is, simply, a way for us to offer an additional option/flexibility for giving for those who choose to utilize online giving.  


Click the 'Online Giving' link below to access the 'Online Giving' page.

Online giving requires that you setup congregational access to ChurchTrac -- First Baptist's church management program.  If this is the first time you are accessing the site...enter your email address and click the link I do not know my Passcode, or I do not have a Passcode.  This will send you a passcode in your email.  Keep this passcode handy as this is what you will use to login to your profile to manage your profile or online giving.


If you have any questions or want more information or help please feel free to email the First Baptist Church Financial Secretary at or contact the church office via email at or by phone at 507-283-4091.