Throughout Scripture, Jesus’ identity as a friend of sinners stands central to His redemptive mission. Martin Luther illuminated this truth through the “happy exchange” (2 Corinthians 5:21), where Christ, though sinless, bore our guilt to clothe us in His righteousness. Christ’s friendship flows from His deliberate, effectual union with believers, securing not only forgiveness but transformative holiness. Christ’s friendship confronts sin without compromise, yet offers boundless mercy to those who trust Him. Jesus’s grace magnifies God’s glory, as Jesus joyfully rescues the lost. Our Savior draws near to the broken, not to condone sin but to conquer it — calling His church to extend His compassion to
a weary world.
Super Bowl Party at FBC
TODAY, February 9th, 4:45pm
Kick-off at 5:30pm
Wings & Little Snacks Provided
Bring an Appetizer or Dessert
Danae Meinerts will be doing Kahoot during Half-Time Show!
Special Awana Nights
2/12 – Store
2/19 – Awana Grand Prix
3/12 – Goofy Glasses Night
3/26 – Super Sundae Night
Registration for camp this summer at Shetek begins February 14th. If your child would like to attend this year, you need to get them registered as soon as possible, to ensure their ability to go. Camp brochures are available on the table by the church office. FBC will contribute $275 for each child from our church that would like to attend camp. You must fill out the registration form at (we have a link for registration on our church website that will take you directly to the registration page), print it and return to the church office, along with $50 for each camper. If you have questions, please see Rhonda or Pastor Walt.
Awana Grand Prix
The Awana Grand Prix races will be held Wednesday, February 19th, beginning at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. This event is open to children in 3rd through 6th grade. Awana cars are available now, the first car is free, pick one up on Wednesday from the Awana office. We invite everyone to come cheer on the clubbers & enjoy the races!